Of course we have a process! And, it works. We analyze your business, isolating your key performance indicators. Then we analyze your people looking for the qualities needed for success on-the-job. We connect the dots between job performance and you getting better business results. Then, we create strategies you can use to hire best-fit candidates, train them how to perform properly and to inspire excellence.
Our creative performance experts understand people and performance. We have expertise in organizational effectiveness, organizational psychology, change management, instructional design and media production.
Avatar’s Can Do – Will Do Model™ define the qualities and characteristics necessary for success in any job. How many people have you hired over the years who had all the right credentials, but subsequently failed to perform? Through our proven job analysis process, we identify best-fit employees, using six attributes that define whether a person can and will do a particular job well. To get better results, start with best-fit applicants, based on the presence of requisite Values, Motivations and Personality. Then, educate and train them. Don’t waste your time and energy trying to change an employee’s Values, Motivations or Personality. You will fail.
The Can Do / Will Do Model provides a solid foundation of what you can and cannot change.
Lots of people can make pretty videos and web-based courses. But, do they do actually change human behavior? Do they inspire your employees to act in new and different ways? We measure our success based on your success. Our custom-designed strategies prompt new, more effective job-related behaviors that impact your key performance indicators and lead to measurable results. If they didn’t work, our clients wouldn’t stay with us for decades. Just ask them.
We’re the one and only one-stop solution, providing scientific analysis of your needs; the creation of multi-media management tools that change employee behavior and the distribution of your custom materials worldwide.