Q. What does Avatar do?
A. Avatar produces custom outcome-based HR processes that you can use to improve the performance of your people. Our deliverables help you:
- Find and hire best-fit employees
- Align, train, educate and develop their knowledge and skills
- Inspire, lead and support their performance
Q. Are you consultants?
A. Yes and no. We usually begin engagements with our proprietary analysis process, Compass™, to gather information about your business and people. However, unlike consultants, we actually produce custom-branded materials that you use to manage change, implement best practices and achieve better organizational results.
Q. What experience do you have?
A. During the past 25 years, we have developed world-class processes for several of the world’s largest companies, including Shell Oil, Procter & Gamble, General Electric, Baker-Hughes, Sherwin-Williams, Allied Waste, Eaton Aerospace, Greyhound Lines, Laidlaw, American Medical Response, Republic Services and KAG Transportation. We have a solid footprint in ground transportation and we have worked with more than 2,000 trucking, transit, school bus and EMS entities.
Q. Do you have experience in our industry?
A. Maybe, but our focus is on people and people performance and all businesses have people problems. Although we have experience in transportation, manufacturing, banking, insurance, environmental services, medicine, distribution and utilities, the greatest value we provide comes from our expertise in people and how to maximize people performance.
Q. Do you have existing materials we can use to improve leadership, safety, sales, productivity, labor relations or quality?
A. We’ve completed hundreds of engagements addressing all sorts of human performance challenges, but everything we do is custom-designed. We can draw upon our vast library of past works and, working with your Subject Matter Experts, create custom deliverables that feature your brand, logo, colors, people, policies and values.
Q. If everything is custom, it must be expensive.
A. Because everything we do is custom-branded, we can’t tell you an exact price until we know what you want. It’s like building a house. It can be a mansion or a bungalow. It’s up to you. However, we will say that your costs are probably lower than you think. Because of our extensive experience, we have a huge library of IP to get things started quickly. And, we have an efficient design process that can produce professional materials faster and at lower cost than any other third party provider or even an internal department.
Q. We do this in-house. Why engage Avatar?
A. All of our clients have internal capabilities, such as HR, OD, IT and training departments. And, they already have processes for managing human capital. However, they rely on Avatar to more quickly and cost-effectively develop outcome-based solutions. Even the largest companies lack the breadth of our capabilities such as change management, instructional design, writers, producers, videographers, studios, graphics, actors, artists and programmers. This is all we do and we do it better and faster than anyone.
Q. How can I guarantee my investment will pay off?
A. You can’t. It takes vision. You invest today on the premise that investing in your people and your people processes will yield better job performance tomorrow. While there are no guarantees, Avatar has a 26 year history of helping our clients achieve tremendous returns. Our clients have collectively reduced costs by million dollars, grown into first-place market positions and achieved world-class results. As evidence, many have remained loyal for decades.
Q. Where’s the proof?
A. Please consider just one of the following client testimonial and recommendation letters.