Knowledge Resource Center
The Knowledge Resource Center is a web-based, searchable depository of expert knowledge – employee resources of technical and historical information that can provide information and answers in real time. Avatar can help you implement a custom Knowledge Resource Center to provide your employees with answers to their most pressing questions.
Most employers dream of enabling employees to access all of the information they need to do their jobs on a daily basis at the stroke of a key. Having a system in place that makes questions easy to answer prevents the interruption of daily workflow.
Employee Resources at Your Fingertips
Our customizable Knowledge Resource Center prevents lost time due to unanswered questions and ensures employees stay on track, no matter what issues arise. We work with you to create a resource library that contains all the information your employees need to know. This allows them to use the resource center as a learning tool, but also on an everyday basis to address specific issues. Accessing this information in real time allows you to create the most efficient and effective system possible for your employees.
The Knowledge Resource Center is web-based and makes it easy to search for the specific information needed. It takes several hundred pages worth of manuals and stores the information in an easily accessible fashion. The Knowledge Resource Center saves space and makes searching for information easy and quick.
Do you think a tool like our customizable resource center might be right for your company? Give us a call. We’ll review your information and discuss what we can do to build the resource tool your employees need.