Republic Services Case Study

Republic Services acquired our long-term client, Allied Waste Systems, with whom we were working for several years. Their Executive leaders visited our facilities and quickly became aware of our unique approach to managing risk. Impressed with our long history of success in the transportation safety, Republic also had a keen interest on our previous work in the solid waste industry.
Republic needed an outcome-based, standardized curricula for new operators hired for both hauling and post-collection jobs. They asked Avatar to create a custom-branded course to address the various needs of six different types of truck drivers, as well as other occupations such as yellow iron operators, pickers and recycling employees. Republic had very little source material, but was able to provide Avatar with its policies and job descriptions. Avatar relied heavily on its existing library of source materials from previous engagements with Allied Waste and Laidlaw.
Avatar created a comprehensive curriculum using a variety of media such as facilitator and study guides, posters, checklists, DVD videos, quizzes and three-dimensional models visually depicting traffic situations and featuring hand-painted model cars and Republic trucks. The course provides three weeks of initial up-front training, including a week-long, work-hardening experience for residential operators.
The standardized format provided greater consistency and higher learning outcomes. First year savings exceeded $570,000 through reduced turnover and lower accident frequencies. Republic was so pleased with the results that they engaged Avatar for the next eight years to create and manage the ongoing Focus 6 Safety Communication Program (described in different case study), which continues to this day.